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Mini Truckin General \  response to ernies editorial

response to ernies editorial

Mini Truckin General General Discussions
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crewcabondubs   +1y
Edited: 10/15/2007 4:04:23 PM by crewcabondubs

Originally posted by NO1LOWR

Edited: 10/14/2007 9:56:50 PM by NO1LOWR

i havent read the article but im just gonna say this.

building something is always a better feeling because you know every bit of that vehicle, inside and out, etc, having one built for you by a shop or buying one already built from someone is the same thing, it just takes longer to get into a groove with the truck. dont matter dude. we all share a passion, dont matter if it took you 5 years to enjoy that passion(building a truck) or one day to enjoy it(buying a truck).

i bought my crewcab already bagged and bodydropped, but i wont do it again for the reasons above. i am in the process of redoing the whole truck tho!

JPeventsxx   +1y
I think the bought vs. built theory is as negative to the sport as the drag and destroy attitude.

Eventually both actions will hurt everyone who enjoy minitruckin.

My two debit card swipes..

tealchevy   +1y
Originally posted by bdroppeddak

did someone already post the pic of a rabbit with the pancake on his head?

I got you man!

baggedmitsu   +1y
Yo, just got back from vacation!

Glad to see i got some good response out of this months column. Not everybody is going to agree and thats OK too.

Drag and Destroy....should be next months lol.

Some of you are right about one thing, i didnt hit up on all aspects of the Built Not Bought crap. But i only have so much space so i hit up on the basics of my argument. maybe ill touch up on it again in the future.

DooredFord   +1y
Edited: 10/15/2007 2:02:12 PM by DooredFord

just reading the 1st post, i dont give a fuck, i work a full time job, drop my truck off at a shop, and im broke as fuck and its still my truck and my ideas i paid for so fuck what anyone else has to say im just as passionate about it. not everyone has a place or skills to build girlfriends truck was bought because it was bagged and bodydropped, she's going to have everything else re-done. are you better than her cuz she isn't building it herself in a garage and im not building it?

Built not bought is stupid as hell who the hell cares as long as you're not buying someones cover truck and rocking it like you built it or you poured your ideas and money in it. If people didn't pay shops to bust out the skills they dont have. alot of you would be out of business.
grip   +1y
Originally posted by baggedMITSU

Yo, just got back from vacation!

Glad to see i got some good response out of this months column. Not everybody is going to agree and thats OK too.

Drag and Destroy....should be next months lol.

Some of you are right about one thing, i didnt hit up on all aspects of the Built Not Bought crap. But i only have so much space so i hit up on the basics of my argument. maybe ill touch up on it again in the future.


Ernie,I respect what your doing over there.You didn't have to write that article you could have just done the same old stuff but instead you stood up and spoke your mind with the intention of making the scene better.Your in the position to be heard and can better some of these screwed up stigmas bestowed apon us.Thanks dudeGrip//NC\\OKC
FluffyFreak   +1y
i agree with Ernie and Ben! i got to truck runs to have fun get drunk hang out with my club and all my friends from around the minitruckin world and look at some killer ridez. i could give 2 fucks how they got it..... and i cant wait to read what you gotta say bout drag and destroy ernie!! i love to drag but theres a place and a time for it! and drag blocks are cool cuz you dont tear up your truck just a block of metal !!!!
HotRodDime   +1y
Originally posted by iLLblazer

Edited: 10/15/2007 9:21:51 AM by iLLblazer

One thing I was surprised Ernies article didnt touch on was that alot of guys can't build. I used to be all about the 'built not bought' attitude until I started to see the kind of shit some people were building. Now I'm definitley not saying you need a shop to build you a sick ride. Some of the baddest trucks out there are garage built. But Its also safe to say that for every 1 of those trucks there are probably 10 more guys with the 'if he can do it I can do it' attitude out in their driveways 'welding' scrap metal brackets and engineering some 'original' setup onto their trucks. The those guys get on the net, post pics of their abortion in progress, and anyone who speaks negatively on it or tried to give some constructive criticism is labeled a hater. So they listen to the other guys just like them going "yo that shit is badass... fuck the haters man keep doing what you are doing" which inspires them to keep on working away, and also other 'do it yourself-ers' to follow suit. I've seen it countless times.

Its the built not bought attitude that makes these kids think they CAN and NEED to build their own ride, when the truth is that a lot of people don't have the brains or skills to actually do it. These trucks get on the road and get everyone else in the scene labeled as butchers. I dont think Minitruckin' needs that image. So if you aren't capable, stick to paying someone who is. If you want to learn, don't just dive in head first and tell everyone to fuck off when its done. practice your metalfab skills. Do hours upon hours of reasearch and dont brush off all the guys with a different idea than you as a hater. Some of them might have a clue what they are doing.

YUP! there's a true statement and a FACT not an opinion!!!

also Ben said it!

bodydropped85   +1y
ernies and max's articles were the best part of the mag(print wise). mikes sucked, but he always does
inomrthenudo   +1y
I don't care if it is built or bought, but don't claim other people's work. That's all that should matter. Look at Fester with Last Look, I definitely don't see him as some joker who bought a done ride, but I see him as a guy who is keeping a mini out there and out of a junkyard. Truth is, minis are also dying because they are not being built anymore. Look at trucks now, all the new ones are at least a midsize now. It pretty much boils down to the love of things custom, whatever that may be to you.