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Mini Truckin General \  response to ernies editorial

response to ernies editorial

Mini Truckin General General Discussions
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Down_To_Earth_Chick   +1y
I have to agree with erine, I BOUGHT My ride. It was body dropped, bagged, shaved door handles, and had SOME interior done...the most part was half assed, and some body work done to it.

For example...I'm now doing the interior from scratch, getting rid of the tail lights, upgraded the head lights, new modified hood, totally different paint job, stearo and a crap load of other things that were done last minute so they wern't done right but half assed. (NOTHING BAD ABOUT THE LAST OWNER...half of the rides out there look BAD ASS but all have there little problem but are hidden well)
It's already looking like a different ride.

So what if the last owner got some of the BIG parts out of the way, doesn't mean that I'm not building it.

Weather you worked to pay for it to get done by a shop or bought it off someone else or did it all your self.


Just keep this sport going no matter what it take.

I say it's built no matter what!
HotRodDime   +1y
thanks james!
bodydropped85   +1y
your welcome buddy now go finish a truck...i will someday to haha.
nvrloenuf   +1y
My only opinion is this..

Yes it feels great to build it yourself. but not everyone has the time or money to do that. But does that mean that they love the scene any less? NO..

And also how many people know that you will never get out what you put into a vehicle? I know that and why wouldn't I wnat to take advantage of that? I would never say that I built it or anything of that nature but there are a bunch of trucks out there that I would drive till the wheels fell off for a lot less then they built it for.
bill brasky   +1y
First off, I was suprised that Ernie had an editorial. I have known him for a few years and have never been interested in anything he has ever said....

Until know. This brought up a very good point in our scene that needs to be addressed because it is killing it.

I personally am proud as hell to have my truck at D.I.B. Customs.

They are good friends of mine and are good at what they do.And when the dust settles aint no muthafucka wanna chase me down

And when it sits there it will still be my truck I may not have bled on the truck, but I bled at work putting in 60-70 hr. weeks in june and july at a steel mill.
sadisticiron   +1y
there is always those guys that will

say "built not bought" but when they finish

the truck theyve been working on for years

and want something new, what do they do?

they put it up for sale and hope somebody

buys it. and those are the guys that get

pissed off when nobodys wants to buy it. if

you cant build it yourself let somebody

that can do it. cuz i dont want to be on

the road when mickey mouse driveway customs

owners truck rolls down the street and theh

rear end falls out and kills

someone......F**K that.
crazygenius13   +1y
Originally posted by oneup

I am really surprised of the mentality of some people I for one do my own work becasue I choose to. Do I care if you buy your truck or build it no but I do care if I buy mine or build it. In my opinion if you buy a truck done you will have way less respect FOR THE TRUCK who cares about other people I care about my truck if I had bought it done I wouldn't care because my hands didn't build it its just another truck to drive for a while and sell where as my truck not being anywhere near done will be with me till I give it to my kid which I haven't even had yet you can't put a price tag on your dream only on your costs I don't care if I can sell my truck for what I got in it becasue I spent that for one reason I LOVE MY TRUCK and I love to work on my truck so i see where it can get misconstroud that built no bought means I'm hating on anyone who bought there ride but its not that its a pride thing I am proud I built my truck and want people to know when they say hey thats a nice truck who did the work that I can say I DID if you want to buy a built truck go for it lets go drag some shit I don't have anything bad to say about it but don't hate on me because I am proud that I built mine that all Built not Bought is a way to say I did this noone else just me.

You sir, are right on the nose!!!!
NtotheIZZATEDOG   +1y
people who pay to have their rides built are idiots
Originally posted by FXDGRND

Just start off by. Built not bought is stupid. Now lets move from there

Shops are there for a reason. They, for the most part, have had extensive experience building vehicles. So you pay for the knowledge to have a truck built correctly. Bob Grant is a master at metal work. I don't see anyone talking shit to the owners of the rides he builds. Max at Bio, Cary at IF, Bill at Ekstensive, list goes on and on of shops that do sic work. That comes from years of experience. Most people that give grief dont have a ride that compares to any of the shops listed. So it seems like that phrase is more out of jealousy. But what it boils down to. It's your truck. Do what you want. Because unless you condensed the sand for the glass, made your tires, made the steel, created the paint, designed and manufactured all the parts for the vehicle.. you bought it.

From the BUILT VS. BOUGHT forum from June.

As far as buying a ride. I got my truck back in 1996. It was bagged and BD for 9gs. It cost buffalo over 15 to build it and that was with tech articles and help. Granted I have done the bodymods and many upgrades. About the only thing left is the bodydrop and walk thru. BUT Zero people gave me grief about it. This was before the land of internet keyboard commandos though. Look at SSM classifieds you dont get what you put into your ride for that kind of logic. Ryan had the most flawless nissan around. Chrome paint everything done perfect and he didn't even get 15 for it. People that get mad about built not bought just can't afford to purchase and done ride. It's not the owners fault they chose a different route. Frankly some should consider buying a done ride. I have seen some truly scary crap out there.

ST LayDBurBan   +1y
Originally posted by baggedMITSU

Yo, just got back from vacation!

Glad to see i got some good response out of this months column. Not everybody is going to agree and thats OK too.

Drag and Destroy....should be next months lol.

Some of you are right about one thing, i didnt hit up on all aspects of the Built Not Bought crap. But i only have so much space so i hit up on the basics of my argument. maybe ill touch up on it again in the future.


Ernie good artical...... hell bro what about just parking your shit and drinkin a fuckin brew.. and lookin at everyones rides and shooting the shit... and chillin with your boys!!!!