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Mini Truckin General \  Check Out This Email I Got Today

Check Out This Email I Got Today

Mini Truckin General General Discussions
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FireCrotch   +1y

i think it was actually ordered from reese
90yota   +1y

---------------------------------------------Originally posted by FireCrotch my favorite---------------------------------------------thats gangsta!
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BK2LIFE   +1y
this thread not only being almost 3 years old is plain dumb. minitruckin will never be what it was, it has evolved, and has turned into what it is now.. for the record, "we" used to drag becasue back in the old days it was a way to show you could actually lay frame, sort of braggin rights. but now practically Circle K or 7-elevens sell air ride kits, so its not a big deal like it used to be when air shocks were all the rage. this thread is old
dbldub01   +1y

I usually don't say much, but even though this is 3 years old the same issues back then are still here now..........and I too hope one day it will change, I am still considered young to most people (26), but have been around the "scene" for as long as I can remember, and I am one of the few people that you will see actually cleaning my truck instead of showing up and seeing how many beers we can drink...........I guess I'm just getting old, but it is still something I love, so I guess we all just have to deal with what it has become.

thedream   +1y
Edited: 10/14/2010 12:29:34 PM by thedream

2007?? Two years, brainiac. Let it go. If you get your self worth from the opinions of others, there are other issues that need to be examined,
ra156   +1y
well its def more of a hobby to me i didnt go to my graduation cause i went to a show im glad i made a ton of friends at shows prolly my fav thing to do .....other than jamming young slits But its close least you got a e mail in Md the guys talk mad shit all the time and are your buddies to your face its sad .Funny but sad i wouldnt ming gettin drunk and hookin up with some skanks tho..seruiously Md
tuckin18s   +1y

Sounds like this guy has a small dick..And he is tring to take it out on you....

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cutndropped   +1y
Edited: 11/27/2009 5:23:19 PM by AntiHero

Sorry about the double post.

cutndropped   +1y

Honestly,why post stuff like this up.I think anyone who has done this long enough and been around the show scene long enough have met or know someone like this.Im not taking that dipshits side by any means.But seriously forget that kid,if hes that worried about just dragging the shit out of his truck let him,maybe it will burn down he can say forget all thoes stupid mini truckers and maybe buy grandmaas 86 regal,put lift knuckles on it and 26s and be all the rage.Seriously,dont worry about it,if your legit and love what you do,dont worry about some dumbass internet commando who drags that much better than you.My trucks been done for about a year with the interior being finshed up now,ive drug it twice since ive owned and and never have since i redid it.I put a ton of time and pride into the care i take of my truck,if that makes me a pussy who dosent know shit.So be it.
bagd2kf150   +1y

 Man I wish I still had my 87 hardbody, i would do it all over again and static drop the hell out of it. My satisfaction would be gettin hi-centered on a garden hose