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AIM/Chassis Tech Discussion - Get Help

Mini Truckin General General Discussions
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joemorrow   +1y
Originally posted by mreed

Would it be possible to sell your parts "raw"? Occassionally, we get a customer that has made their own attempt at installing whatever part they've purchased from you. Sometimes it is less expensive to modify the part to work than buy new parts, however, the funky-crackly powder coating on the parts I've seen is difficult to clean off.

Most of our customers want their parts custom painted anyway. Even if there would be no fittment issue, they would still need to be stripped.

Besides that, the powder coating doesn't hold up. It flakes off.

Our powder coating has had issues in the past, especially when training someone new. We pay much closer attention now. You can specify raw.

Thank you for your constructive posting
joemorrow   +1y
Originally posted by ixenn

In all my RMA experiences where the company was in the wrong, a new UPS PAID shipping label was sent to me in a box. This is usually common practice. And if it was a big screw up on their behalf they will not even make you ship back the bad part.

The majority of the time, if we make an error, we abandon the part and just ship a new one. As a result of your posting, EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY, we will send a box and a UPS calltag.

Again, I wish to THANK YOU! for a positive and constructive post.
joemorrow   +1y
Originally posted by pisswasser

joe thank you for your response, but i dont think you understand, its not what someone does tomorrow that i remember, its what someone did yesterday. my post wasnt directed towards your company, but towards any company who expects to make a buck selling parts. i think the damage is already been done, and if theres any hope for pulling out of it, the focus shouldnt be on making someone else look bad,or even apologizing, but coming to terms with the buisness tactics that led you to this point, and moving forward.I have come to terms, the company has come to terms. We as a company are moving forward.Thank you

joemorrow   +1y
Originally posted by sdime2372

wow. now i've run my laptop battery down and my eyes are burning from reading this for over an hour.

Joe, i have to say i commend you for facing the firing squad like you have. I never thought it would come to this, and it seems to be mostly positive. I personally have never bought anything from AIM due to the negative feedback i've heard from most people. My only attempt to buy anything was the street scene style sport mirrors for the s10. This was around 4 years ago, so forgive me if i'm misremembering anything. The streetscene mirrors from another company were $79 +$10 shipping, when i saw the ad for the same style mirrors at AIM priced at $39 i was pumped. When i called to order and found out shipping was $29, i got turned off and got the mirrors from the other site.

I actually do have a buddy that sold your bag kits for years and had little or no problems, but i have to say again i think it's a stand up thing you're doing. Keep it up, good to see you're moving forward, hope you have lots of luck in the future.

So how much would you charge to rent out the rolls?

JumboJumbo, in looking at your picture, ask me again in about 17 years..

jumbo   +1y
Edited: 9/16/2008 8:45:41 AM by sdime2372

Edited: 9/16/2008 8:39:33 AM by sdime2372

Originally posted by joemorrow

Jumbo, in looking at your picture, ask me again in about 17 years..

poof! 17 years has passed!

So what's up with renting the rolls??!

Nah, that was pretty funny, but that's my daughter playing in the s10 i used to have. Just keep it up answering everyone, seems to be changing most people's opinion of you. Keep up the good work.

and i don't know if you ever learned how to post pics, so i'll tell you the way i was taught. 1. click on the thumbnail of the pic you want to post2. right click on the pic3. click on properties4. highlight the entire url in the properties5. on your post, type 6. right click after the =, click paste 7. type >

so here's what it should look like:

Viola! pics posted. Hope this helps.

sorry, had to stretch them out a little, the only space you need is between img and src. When i tried to post it like it should be, i got 2 red x's of death.
post photo
GraphicDisorder   +1y
THREAD CLEANED UP AND RE-OPENED. AVS issues/Email Editing Issues/Rusty Issues should be dirrected to Joe Personally.
quartermilecrazy   +1y
Edited: 9/16/2008 4:58:14 PM by quartermilecrazy

Time for me to add my .02, first off let me tell everyone i have had past experinces with AIM and their products. that was years ago,its over, i am not getting into it.

first question Joe: Do you enjoy knocking our entire country and our worth ethics? considering the people that you are trying to "reach out to" all work in the US.

Question #2: can you explain this? Directly from your add it says "when small companies cannot compete,they stoop to low tactics, calling other companies junk... This is B.S." and in the same article, same page, it says "WHAT IS CLUB PRICING??? Go aheadand call ___... I promise you anyone can get "CLUB PRICING"; it is justanother scam to get you to buy their product It is like the word "SALE". since when is any product not on sale.....

.....HOW ABOUT JUST FAIR LOW PRICING and dispence with all the "CLUB" B.S."Now to me it looks like you are doing exactly what you knocked other companies for doing, knocking their business.

also, same page, "WHEN COMPANIES COMPETE U-WIN ___ & ___ & others , sell this kit for much more, pretending their kit is better. ____ bags are great (ifyou want a stiff/rough ride)but our bags are full 600psi test with a baby smooth ride. if you want to hop and dont care about the ride buy ___ bags. WE GARUNTEE every single part without limit as to time against any defect. We will beat the advertised price on any product ___ or ___ sells. If they try to convince you ours is a cheaper kit then i suggest you investigate yourself. When competitors cannot compete they stoop to bad mouthing the competing product, which is childish and poor business......We have been in business for 22 years and we will be here to service our products" again, you are doing exactly what you are claiming them of doing, bashing the other company, yet you call them childish and accuse them of doing poor business when you do the same thing.

Question #3: You claim that ___ has took pictures from your add and used them as their own, is it not true that you have done the same thing using pictures from ____________ adds? Again knocking another company for doing the same thing you are doing.

You claim there is no 35% restocking fee, yet directly from the bottom of YOUR add it says "Prices subject to change without notice. Not responsible for typo errors. No returns without PRIOR authorization. Short & damaged must be reported within 24hrs. Refunds exclude ship charges. Subject to 35% restocking charges."

If you claim to sell products that are equal or better than the compititors why dont you and the competitors send products to an individual to do independant product testing? I know for a fact that _______ and ___ has already sent products to Doug Dehaven for testing, why dont you do the same thing? I personally would love to see one of your compressors go up against a _____ for fill times and reliability testing.

**i removed all other company names so that this is a AIM only post**
joemorrow   +1y
Originally posted by sdime2372

Edited: 9/16/2008 8:45:41 AM by sdime2372

Edited: 9/16/2008 8:39:33 AM by sdime2372

Originally posted by joemorrow

Jumbo, in looking at your picture, ask me again in about 17 years..

poof! 17 years has passed!

So what's up with renting the rolls??!

Nah, that was pretty funny, but that's my daughter playing in the s10 i used to have. Just keep it up answering everyone, seems to be changing most people's opinion of you. Keep up the good work.

and i don't know if you ever learned how to post pics, so i'll tell you the way i was taught. 1. click on the thumbnail of the pic you want to post2. right click on the pic3. click on properties4. highlight the entire url in the properties5. on your post, type 6. right click after the =, click paste 7. type >

so here's what it should look like:

Viola! pics posted. Hope this helps.

sorry, had to stretch them out a little, the only space you need is between img and src. When i tried to post it like it should be, i got 2 red x's of death.Jumbo,Thank you for giving me the simple explanation. I will try it out later tonite.

post photo
AVS_JEFF   +1y
Mods, I posted but then it said I was logged off (I had several windows open at the time with SSM). I checked the page to see py post and it was not there. Either I f'd up or you are super fast at deleting. If you deleted my post, which I hope you didn't, but if you did, then it will obviously happen again, and I WILL get the hint so please do not ban me! Otherwise please read:

Kris and Brandt, with all due respect, Joe invited me into this thread by calling me out on page 10. And I graciously thank you for understanding that and leaving up my post. BUT, then Joe again invited people in by putting up that email, whether it was edited or not. Am I wrong??? Joe is suppose to be on here to help people, correct? Well, all we have seen is him giving discounts on future purchases and basically advertising for free and telling people that "he will look into it". You let him answer questions about prices which is not part of the topic. I'm only being fair. Those of us that were watching this thread from the first day it reared its ugly head and had a legitimate beef sat in front of the screen quietly, while biting our tongues. If Joe is going to sit here and bring up something rather than fixing something then let it stay... he invited it. Now as far as the Rusty issue goes, his whole story that sent him down hill started with him being a customer of AIM that had a problem and it snow balled from there. Can we all play fair? I might have a biased opinion, but I base my opinions on facts. This is a forum. Let the people speak. Certain threads have more rules... cool that's fair. Maybe start another thread regarding these issues for those that would like to continue the research on AIM's dark side? Give the readers a choice. Some have been burned and will never do business with AIM again. Let them post, BUT in a civilized mature manner. I promise I will stay out of it as I have before until my/our name is mentioned. Please consider. Look at it this way, If the IRS came on a forum and said they have changed and would like to help people save money on their taxes and no longer do audits, would you buy their story??? Well that's how a lot of us feel about AIM. The people that were burned do not want to see others get burned. Thanks to all!
GraphicDisorder   +1y
Nobody is being censored that is posting maturely. However its been clearly decided the Rusty issue is not a issue for this topic. Rusty did not post about his purchase experience with AIM. He posted about his employement. This topic is not about that, we tried today to let it be about that and we ended up with 3 pages of useless info. So in the efforts of leaving this thread in place to do what it was intended I ask that issue is dropped. If rusty wants to maturely post about his customer experience he is welecome to.

AVS being in this thread, I will go back and review the post you reference on page 10. I may have missed it and we may remove it and follow ups. THis again is about customers of AIM, and possibility of fixing issues wiht there products/service. If we can right a few wrongs here is the only goal. If we are wrong and Joe is blowing smoke ill be the first to stand up and say its time to remove it. We are interested in ON TOPIC fair.