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AIM/Chassis Tech Discussion - Get Help

Mini Truckin General General Discussions
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joemorrow   +1y
Forum Members

Today I have refunded $450 for Dakota Lowboyz purchased 3 years ago that were unused in the box.

Today I have refunded $40 to the customer that purchased a Ratical Top because he was charged to much when he purchased it last Spring. These were NOT merchandise credits.

Today I have refunded $15 to a customer that could not use the small amount remaining from 3 years ago.

Tomorrow, I will do the same think for legitimate issues. Basically you have called me a liar in posting that I only offered credits. If you want proof of these refunds, then ask, and it shall be yours.

Jeff, I have a suggestion. Why don't we arrange a joint apology to each other and spare the members dragging issues thru the dirt.

This is an challenge Jeff. Let's just do it. Do you want me to be first?
No problem. I will gladly be first if that is what it takes.

Thank you, but lets go build product and stop these non productive exchanges. Let's show the members that we are bigger than that. I have already DISCONTINUED any slamming references to you starting with the January issue of Truckin.

Thank you,
Joe Morrow

My competitor needs to understand that I am NOT going anywhere and all I am concerned with is the member issues, not his perpetuation of a "dark side". They simply see SSM as their private turf, and I have just as much right to be there to defend myself.

Once again, I implore all parties to please stick to the issues that build confidence in our industry as a whole, and not self serving.

Jeff knows NOTHING about the Rusty issue. He simply was an employee that lasted 6 days and sent down the road. Any businessman knows that disgruntled employees talk trash. If Rusty was so unhappy with our products, then why did he have a full decal spread across his vehicle.

Please, no more Rusty, lets give the members GOOD STUFF.
jdauer02   +1y
Edited: 9/16/2008 5:53:42 PM by jdauer02

Joe is a man of his word. I had emailed him as he requested on 9-14-08 and today the 16th I came home to the refund and shirt he stated he would send. I am the 15 dollar guy from years ago mentioned in the prev post. Now I wasn't looking for anything at all and when Joe said he would send that out I was thinking... ok sure in few weeks I may see this and if I do great and if not o'well. I came home today only 2 days after sending the email and there it was chillin on my back porch... thanks Joe

cruisinlowS10   +1y
Edited: 9/16/2008 5:52:31 PM by cruisinlowS10

Edited: 9/16/2008 5:50:57 PM by cruisinlowS10

Originally posted by GraphicDisorder

Nobody is being censored that is posting maturely.

Somoeone posted a doctored up email. There was no immaturity there. (at least from the poster )

Originally posted by SSM-WebMaster

Edited: 9/13/2008 1:54:52 PM by SSM-WebMaster

He would also like to help anyone who feels they have been wronged.

If aim is indeed doctoring emails it is in my humble opinion that all of us have been wronged. There are some tough answers joe needs to answer and to allow him to pick and choose what he wants is unfair based upon the premise of this thread. Also, the emails he sent to jeff at avs are appalling. Yet no answer from joe about his behavior in those emails. SSM staff and mods are failing to see the big picture. They are focusing on single person issues. The reality is, aim is wronging every single on of us one this forum if they are indeed doctoring emails and are sending those emails to reputable companies.

edited for mispellings
GraphicDisorder   +1y
Originally posted by cruisinlowS10

Originally posted by GraphicDisorder

Nobody is being censored that is posting maturely.

Somoeone posted a doctored up email. There was no immaturity there.

Originally posted by SSM-WebMaster

Edited: 9/13/2008 1:54:52 PM by SSM-WebMaster

He would also like to help anyone who feels they have been wronged.

If aim is indeed doctoring emails it is in my humble opinion that all of us have been wronged. There are some tough answers joe needs to answer and to allow him to pick and choose what he wants is unfair based upon the premise of this thread. Also, the emails he sent to jeff at avs are appalling. Yet no answer from joe about his behavior in those emails. SSM staff and mods are failing to see the big picture. They are focusing on single person issues. The reality is, aim is wronging every single on of us on this forum if they are indeed doctoring emails and they are sending those emails to reputable companies.

You, I, or anyone here for that matter can not prove who doctored the email. We can speculate all we like. So it doesn't belong. Nor is it at the core value of this topic. Please move on from that topic. Its a dead issue.
GraphicDisorder   +1y
Originally posted by jdauer02

Joe is a man of his word. I had emailed him as he requested on 9-14-08 and today the 16th I came home to the refund and shirt he stated he would send. Now I wasn't looking for anything at all and when Joe said he would send that out I was thinking... ok sure in few weeks I may see this and if I do great and if not o'well. I came home today only 2 days after sending the email and there it was chillin on my back porch... thanks Joe

This is what this thread IS for. Joe IS doing as it said he was in THIS respect.
AVS_JEFF   +1y
To the SSM members, I wish you the best and hope that everything DOES turn out well for you. I have been watching this thread long enough and have to get back to our SEMA booth and designing new products for you to enjoy!!! I can be reached at if ANYONE needs to contact me. Thanks again and the best of luck to ya!!!

Kris- please contact me when you are ready, as per our phone conversation.
joemorrow   +1y

Edited: 9/16/2008 4:58:14 PM by quartermilecrazyTime for me to add my .02, first off let me tell everyone i have had past experinces with AIM and their products. that was years ago,its over, i am not getting into it.

first question Joe: Do you enjoy knocking our entire country and our worth ethics? considering the people that you are trying to "reach out to" all work in the US.

Question #2: can you explain this? Directly from your add it says "when small companies cannot compete,they stoop to low tactics, calling other companies junk... This is B.S." and in the same article, same page, it says "WHAT IS CLUB PRICING??? Go aheadand call ___... I promise you anyone can get "CLUB PRICING"; it is justanother scam to get you to buy their product It is like the word "SALE". since when is any product not on sale.....

.....HOW ABOUT JUST FAIR LOW PRICING and dispence with all the "CLUB" B.S."Now to me it looks like you are doing exactly what you knocked other companies for doing, knocking their business.

also, same page, "WHEN COMPANIES COMPETE U-WIN ___ & ___ & others , sell this kit for much more, pretending their kit is better. ____ bags are great (ifyou want a stiff/rough ride)but our bags are full 600psi test with a baby smooth ride. if you want to hop and dont care about the ride buy ___ bags. WE GARUNTEE every single part without limit as to time against any defect. We will beat the advertised price on any product ___ or ___ sells. If they try to convince you ours is a cheaper kit then i suggest you investigate yourself. When competitors cannot compete they stoop to bad mouthing the competing product, which is childish and poor business......We have been in business for 22 years and we will be here to service our products" again, you are doing exactly what you are claiming them of doing, bashing the other company, yet you call them childish and accuse them of doing poor business when you do the same thing.

Question #3: You claim that ___ has took pictures from your add and used them as their own, is it not true that you have done the same thing using pictures from ____________ adds? Again knocking another company for doing the same thing you are doing.

You claim there is no 35% restocking fee, yet directly from the bottom of YOUR add it says "Prices subject to change without notice. Not responsible for typo errors. No returns without PRIOR authorization. Short & damaged must be reported within 24hrs. Refunds exclude ship charges. Subject to 35% restocking charges."

If you claim to sell products that are equal or better than the compititors why dont you and the competitors send products to an individual to do independant product testing? I know for a fact that _______ and ___ has already sent products to Doug Dehaven for testing, why dont you do the same thing? I personally would love to see one of your compressors go up against a _____ for fill times and reliability testing.

**i removed all other company names so that this is a AIM only post**

QUESTION #1I am not knocking the entire country. What I am saying is that China Goods are a reality. Hiding that from the consumer is deceitful and shady business. I am also saying that there is an element in our Society that does not have a good work ethic. I did not say your were one of them.

QUESTION #2I will stand by my statement on CLUB PRICING anyone can get it from any quadrant of our commercial world.

QUESTION 3Yes, I admitted it already, I should not have stooped to their tactics

QUESTION 4Now you are talking. An independent site called will be live in a few days. It has been started by Tyler Hargrave and I have never met the man, nor talked to him on the phone. I will put up any of my product to Doug De haven, PROVIDED he is a neutral party and that would have to be proven to me.

Your email clearly shows your alliance with ___ and ___ so I do not see you as an objective unbiased person, so prove it to me.

Your posting is constructive as far as I am concerned, it just shows too much anger.

joemorrow   +1y
Originally posted by GraphicDisorder

Originally posted by jdauer02

Joe is a man of his word. I had emailed him as he requested on 9-14-08 and today the 16th I came home to the refund and shirt he stated he would send. Now I wasn't looking for anything at all and when Joe said he would send that out I was thinking... ok sure in few weeks I may see this and if I do great and if not o'well. I came home today only 2 days after sending the email and there it was chillin on my back porch... thanks Joe

and you had a tracking number before 9:00AM the following work day. I take these postings seriously, and I am here for the loooong haul.Thanks

This is what this thread IS for. Joe IS doing as it said he was in THIS respect.

quartermilecrazy   +1y
Edited: 9/16/2008 6:12:25 PM by quartermilecrazy

I will assure you Joe that i have no affiliation nor have i ever purchased from AVS or FBI. Although i do plan on buying a switchbox from AVS in the future.

I am not posting this out of anger, not at all, i am not an angry person, ask anyone that knows me. If i came off that way i apologize.

My only proof is my word, the only company i have an "alliancee" with,if you want to call it that, is owned by a guy named Jason. His ex-employee Dave, is a personal friend of mine.

*edited for spelling*
joemorrow   +1y
Originally posted by AVS

Thanks Brandt. Joe started to show his true colors there. I would really appreciate if everything from here back was left untouched, but again, it's Kris' site and he'll do as he wishes with it. I would like to become a very major part of the site in the near future and hope that we all share the same interest. One of them being to watch out for one another. I do truly respect what you guys are trying to achieve, but it's going to take a miracle (and Joe to answer your question earlier, I did actually pray for you and continue to do). We shall see. Thanks again!

Then why do you not see it as a message from above that your prayers worked. You certainly can claim your prayers worked so why do you not accept that Jeff. No matter the reason, I am here to do exactly what I promised and that is to resolve issues and restore confidence.

So again I say to you: Let's resolve our differences and post good stuff.

Thank you,Joe Morrow