Originally posted by joemorrow
This is Joe Morrow and I am replying to the thread posted (which I cannot seem to find on the site.
POSTING: ( My reply is below)Hello joemorrowNot trying to stir more shit up, but earlier you said you had your hand on all the operations and you were dealing with issues directly. How does that happen if you havent even been to your office in a year?
I work at a car dealership and the owner is here almost every day for some reason or another and the business runs smoothly. How can you gaurantee quality control when you are relying on your employees or general managers to relay the message? If there is a direct problem, I would think you'd drive over to mesa and talk it out. Or maybe im missing a peice of the puzzle here.
Ah. So confused. .
Anyone that know me knows that I am an uncureable workaholic. I have IP Phones in my Phoenix home, and IP Phones at my California home. I have 32 realtime live 1,000,000 MegaPixel cameras with voiceover and I communicate with each manager and each salesperson not less than 100 times a day. If you do not believe this, just email any of my employees and ask them if I am on TOP of things or not.
On top of that, I have it made. My wife Linda has worked every day in this business since inception in 1987, and continues to do so.
The reason I work remote is because with 50 employees and me on the premises is a recipe for getting NOTHING done whatsoever. Thank God for the Internet... A blessing in disguise.
I spend not less than 14hrs a day monitoring the business, and that good sir, is more than not, 7 days a week.
Thank you for your posting, it allows me an opportunity to clear the air.
For the record, Joe can page any one over a loud speaker at any time. He can monitor anyone's computer at anytime. It is if he was here in the office. He has camera's all over the building. Thank God he is not here on the premises. He drives us managers crazy as it is. I swear I talk to him every 20 min. You would think a 68yr old would have memory lost but not Joe. If you say you will have something done by a certain time you damn well better have it done, cause he will remember and call you on it. I'm sure Mike Alexander or anyone from the magazines who knows Joe can confirm even if he is not here he is running the business and knows what's going on at all times. There is no talking about a problem. It's get it resolved now not later. I promise you guys. Aim is not the same Aim that it was 2 years ago. Joe is very hard on everyone here to take care of problems when he finds out about them. He really is making changes here especially over the last 2-3 months.