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AIM/Chassis Tech Discussion - Get Help

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joemorrow   +1y
Originally posted by quartermilecrazy

I will assure you Joe that i have no affiliation nor have i ever purchased from AVS or FBI. Although i do plan on buying a switchbox from AVS in the future.

I am not posting this out of anger, not at all, i am not an angry person, ask anyone that knows me. If i came off that way i apologize.

Thank you Rich. AVS and FBI have had our differences as competitors often will. Normally competitors do not air their dirty laundry in public, and for my part, I APOLOGIZE. Even though it is hard to establish what came first the chicken or the ???

Thank you for your kind post.

joemorrow   +1y
Originally posted by cruisinlowS10

Edited: 9/16/2008 5:52:31 PM by cruisinlowS10

Edited: 9/16/2008 5:50:57 PM by cruisinlowS10

Originally posted by GraphicDisorder

Nobody is being censored that is posting maturely.

Somoeone posted a doctored up email. There was no immaturity there. (at least from the poster )

Originally posted by SSM-WebMaster

Edited: 9/13/2008 1:54:52 PM by SSM-WebMaster

He would also like to help anyone who feels they have been wronged.

If aim is indeed doctoring emails it is in my humble opinion that all of us have been wronged. There are some tough answers joe needs to answer and to allow him to pick and choose what he wants is unfair based upon the premise of this thread. Also, the emails he sent to jeff at avs are appalling. Yet no answer from joe about his behavior in those emails. SSM staff and mods are failing to see the big picture. They are focusing on single person issues. The reality is, aim is wronging every single on of us one this forum if they are indeed doctoring emails and are sending those emails to reputable companies.

edited for mispellings

I, Joe Morrow posted it and it was NOT doctored. Prove your case.
quartermilecrazy   +1y
Originally posted by joemorrow

Originally posted by quartermilecrazy

I will assure you Joe that i have no affiliation nor have i ever purchased from AVS or FBI. Although i do plan on buying a switchbox from AVS in the future.

I am not posting this out of anger, not at all, i am not an angry person, ask anyone that knows me. If i came off that way i apologize.

Thank you Rich. AVS and FBI have had our differences as competitors often will. Normally competitors do not air their dirty laundry in public, and for my part, I APOLOGIZE. Even though it is hard to establish what came first the chicken or the ???

Thank you for your kind post.

Me personally, I would rather be able to read what goes on and how compnaies handle the situation at hand, this way i can read what is going on and base my thoughts from what i read, i would love to see all the issues at hand come up and be addressed by you and others involved on a public forum where nothing can be changed/edited by anyone. but we know that wont happen.

joemorrow   +1y
This is Joe Morrow and I am replying to the thread posted (which I cannot seem to find on the site.

POSTING: ( My reply is below)Hello joemorrowNot trying to stir more shit up, but earlier you said you had your hand on all the operations and you were dealing with issues directly. How does that happen if you havent even been to your office in a year?

I work at a car dealership and the owner is here almost every day for some reason or another and the business runs smoothly. How can you gaurantee quality control when you are relying on your employees or general managers to relay the message? If there is a direct problem, I would think you'd drive over to mesa and talk it out. Or maybe im missing a peice of the puzzle here.

Ah. So confused. .

Anyone that know me knows that I am an uncureable workaholic. I have IP Phones in my Phoenix home, and IP Phones at my California home. I have 32 realtime live 1,000,000 MegaPixel cameras with voiceover and I communicate with each manager and each salesperson not less than 100 times a day. If you do not believe this, just email any of my employees and ask them if I am on TOP of things or

On top of that, I have it made. My wife Linda has worked every day in this business since inception in 1987, and continues to do so.

The reason I work remote is because with 50 employees and me on the premises is a recipe for getting NOTHING done whatsoever. Thank God for the Internet... A blessing in disguise.

I spend not less than 14hrs a day monitoring the business, and that good sir, is more than not, 7 days a week.

Thank you for your posting, it allows me an opportunity to clear the air.

joemorrow   +1y
Below is the text of an email where I gave the customer an RA# and we received the Lowboyz today and already cut the check. This to refute Jeff's posting from AVS that I only offer product credit. It simply depends on each situation. At times, I will offer a credit.

Thank you,
joemorrow   +1y
Originally posted by joemorrow

Below is the text of an email where I gave the customer an RA# and we received the Lowboyz today and already cut the check. This to refute Jeff's posting from AVS that I only offer product credit. It simply depends on each situation. At times, I will offer a credit.

Thank you,

Oops... I forgot the text. see below____________________________________________ From: Linda H Sent: 2008-09-16 14:07To: Joe MSubject: RECEIVED YOUR FORUM RA#JM9-02

CUSTOMER # SM0467 Duncanson, Jamie L.Pomona Ca.

We received a lowboys for a dodge and shackles invoice from 8/2005.It doesn't appear that installation was even attempted. They are in perfectcondition.

Customer sent a copy of your email correspondence with the return, stating hewill be receiving a full refund which is 446.00.

Will send check in tomorrows mail as mailman was already here today.

bmoxley   +1y
joe, i bought come control arms uppers and lowers ive only had them for about 2 mth. and the cross shafts and in some spots the powder coating has come off and the have rusted not major rust,is their any thang that i could do 2 fix the problem i know that i couls sand the down and repaint the but lioke i said ive had them for about 2 mth
TravisCT   +1y
Originally posted by joemorrow

This is Joe Morrow and I am replying to the thread posted (which I cannot seem to find on the site.

POSTING: ( My reply is below)Hello joemorrowNot trying to stir more shit up, but earlier you said you had your hand on all the operations and you were dealing with issues directly. How does that happen if you havent even been to your office in a year?

I work at a car dealership and the owner is here almost every day for some reason or another and the business runs smoothly. How can you gaurantee quality control when you are relying on your employees or general managers to relay the message? If there is a direct problem, I would think you'd drive over to mesa and talk it out. Or maybe im missing a peice of the puzzle here.

Ah. So confused. .

Anyone that know me knows that I am an uncureable workaholic. I have IP Phones in my Phoenix home, and IP Phones at my California home. I have 32 realtime live 1,000,000 MegaPixel cameras with voiceover and I communicate with each manager and each salesperson not less than 100 times a day. If you do not believe this, just email any of my employees and ask them if I am on TOP of things or

On top of that, I have it made. My wife Linda has worked every day in this business since inception in 1987, and continues to do so.

The reason I work remote is because with 50 employees and me on the premises is a recipe for getting NOTHING done whatsoever. Thank God for the Internet... A blessing in disguise.

I spend not less than 14hrs a day monitoring the business, and that good sir, is more than not, 7 days a week.

Thank you for your posting, it allows me an opportunity to clear the air.

For the record, Joe can page any one over a loud speaker at any time. He can monitor anyone's computer at anytime. It is if he was here in the office. He has camera's all over the building. Thank God he is not here on the premises. He drives us managers crazy as it is. I swear I talk to him every 20 min. You would think a 68yr old would have memory lost but not Joe. If you say you will have something done by a certain time you damn well better have it done, cause he will remember and call you on it. I'm sure Mike Alexander or anyone from the magazines who knows Joe can confirm even if he is not here he is running the business and knows what's going on at all times. There is no talking about a problem. It's get it resolved now not later. I promise you guys. Aim is not the same Aim that it was 2 years ago. Joe is very hard on everyone here to take care of problems when he finds out about them. He really is making changes here especially over the last 2-3 months.

joemorrow   +1y
From Joe Morrow.. ONCE AGAIN, I cannot find this posting, but it came to my email: MY REPLY IS BELOW
New Message:
I thought this forum was set up to help out with issues, thoughts, concerns with products. Why does everyone assume since Joe wasn't on here for a few hours that he left and is in hiding? Seems like Jr High, when someone says or does something something and everyone says ummmmmMMMMMMMM.

This thread was going great, I think it would be better if it were back on track.

It really seems like he is resolving some issues and making things right, I admire that. As a human, its hard to admit when we are wrong sometimes, I know its hard for me. .

Yes, it is hard to admit when you are wrong, but I promise to do just that. I promise that no one ever has to worry about me hiding. It is against my genetic structure. Now that I have become a member of this forum, I am here for the GOOD of the members and certainly for the amusement of the minority.

nautiquess   +1y
That was my post, and it got deleted when they cleaned it up. I hope you didn't take it the wrong way, I was just stating that it was great that you are here and clearing things up, I was ranting that I felt it was turning into a different thread than it started and was veering off path, but the Moderators cleared it up just in time. Thank you.

BTW, did you recieve my last couple emails?

Chad Anderson