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AIM/Chassis Tech Discussion - Get Help

Mini Truckin General General Discussions
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injunjoe   +1y
hey joe, I know this has been a while but about 9 years ago i had a set of spindles from your company that broke on the spindle shaft. I was lucky enough that my truck was in the shop when all this happened and not going down the road. You could clearly see where the spindle shaft was steadily cracking and then suddenly snapped. I am simply telling you this because I think you outta know. I do not want anything in return because what is done is done.they were on my 90 silverado

On another note I have gotten several sets of mirrors from you and never had a problem with them as well as a roll pan. the only other problem I had had is I received the wrong bumper once but you guys made it right. i hope this helps in some sort of way. later
nautiquess   +1y
Originally posted by joemorrow

Originally posted by nautiquess

Thanks for the quick response, One other thing... maybe its just me and I am trying to word this correctly... its not a jab or an insult. (This is why I hate texts and email, cause it can be misconstrued and toned differently.) This is more for you than us, but the ads just need more class. I feel sometimes there is sooo much crammed in there it looks like the sunday ads for Walmart. There is some nice products, it would make them look as nice as they look if they were layed out differently and less cartoony. And for Godsake, Joe please tell me you don't still have those tuxedo shorts.. jk. Then again I am in my mid-30s and maybe my eyes arent as good as they were.-ChadYeah Chad..I still have the tuxedo shorts. OK, so the cartoons will goThanks, Joe Morrow

LMAO... @ still having those tuxedo shorts. you should totally walk around SEMA wearing them. jk
joemorrow   +1y
Originally posted by Ice

thanks Joe for coming on and doing this...

few things....maybe i just need to email ya about some stuff.... i run a shop, and have an wholesale account with you guys..i notice some pricing is the same as what is retail.someone already mention the shipping, i dont tend to want to order so much due to the shipping cost, seems high on some stuff...the air fittings you guys carry, in the past when i order, i would sometimes receive brass push connect fittings and sometimes plastic, but the picture would show something else.... i have not had whole lot of luck on the platic fittings like the elbow that are black and yellow, ive had them poped apart on few customers in the past... granted i know you guys recommend running less then 150psi on things.... but most people around wants 200psi , or something that will handle 200 for there 150psi setups.

there may be few more things, but my mind is blank... lol

but i havnt had any problems with you spindles and few other items... but main thing that stops me from ordering as much is what i mention earlier, is the shipping charges...


Mat,Mat, we stopped sending plastic fittings 2-3 years ago. All push-in fittings seem to be temperamental. We have made a decision last week to go to all compression fittings. We will be shipping them beginning in about 30 days. Yes, I do believe that some of our prices are too close to retail for our dealers. I have been aware of this issue and I will give it some study. Retail customers would not be as happy because their prices would be higher, but I have long recognized that it creates a situation where we might be badmouthed because a customer comes into a shop with a copy of Truckin and your margin is just not there, so you do what is best for you: Sell another vendors product because your margin is there. I promise to look into this, and any change would take 90 days to filter thru the mags.Thank you for your posting, Joe Morrow
joemorrow   +1y
Gee guys... I have to take a break. The wife comes home from a long day at AIM while I just pound the keys at home. I will answer everybody that is expecting an answer, but I need to take a break and will be back on it throughout the evening and ready to go at it in the morning.

Thank you and SSM to allow me to participate in the forum on a positive note. I apologize for not speaking out and aligning myself with SSM in the past, but I can see by your comments that most of you are interested in IMPROVING the experience. Comments copied to will assure a response in case I miss any.
Joe Morrow
fatboysS1O   +1y
this is actually pretty damn cool to see happening. i hope that nothing but good comes from it. id like to praise Kris(and anybody else from ssm that has to do with this) and Joe for the beginning of the end of AIM's bad reputation. i hope it all gets straightened out. i really do.
94NissanLaysDoor   +1y
Originally posted by fatboysS1O

this is actually pretty damn cool to see happening. i hope that nothing but good comes from it. id like to praise Kris(and anybody else from ssm that has to do with this) and Joe for the beginning of the end of AIM's bad reputation. i hope it all gets straightened out. i really do.

I agree!Thanks guys!
chris03hd   +1y

An issue I had YEARS ago, so Im not looking for anything to come of this.

Saw your add for "sport mirrors." Called, asked if they would fit the 4door F150 Supercrews, told "yes." I order a set.
They come, do not fit (found out later regular cabs and supercrews were NOT the same mirror bases!), and I'm sent two driver side mirrors, but driver and passenger side bases. I call to explain that they #1 do not fit, and #2 was sent two of the same side mirrors!

I was greeted with attitude, and being talked to like I had no idea how to install them, being told the whole time they, "fit all body style F150's!"

That was my last dealing with AIM.

granth   +1y
Originally posted by joemorrow

Originally posted by 72bumpside

Edited: 9/11/2008 6:39:39 PM by 72bumpside

Originally posted by joemorrow

Originally posted by SSM-WebMaster

Originally posted by 72bumpside

When you send someone the wrong part...don't charge them return shipping or restocking fee.

Did this happen to you? if so can you provide details?

72bumpsideIf we sent the wrong part, we do not charge to resend. Please give me the details and I will have it looked into and I promise you a response. Email the details to

i may get shit for saying what i said, but its not MY purchase. a little while back a buddy had ordered parts and this happened. he never did return the stuff for that reason...and the customer support.

oh and i DO think its great what your doing as long as it's upheld. i'd like to hear some GOOD "updates" once things are handled and taken care of.

Well I am here to help your Buddy as well. Your posting is an example of how 3rd party communication can be passed on like musical chairs, but I am here to RESOLVE issues. Please ask your Buddy to give me the details of his purchase and I will make it right, you can be sure.Thank you for your posting, Joe Morrow

I will be in touch with him. Whether he even cares now or not is on him, but I will let him you are trying to better your company and hopefully he will get back with you.

joemorrow   +1y
Originally posted by pisswasser

my first and only experience with aim was when i bought the spindles for my s10, they needed to be machined to work right., at the time i wasnt making a lot of money so when that happened it left a real bad taste in my mouth. joe i have looked at your ads and laughed quite a bit over the years at the cockiness that didnt quite match the product that arrived at my door. Now that i have more money i will glady overlook your low prices for a part that i know will work right when i go to install it. i applaud you for your effort in making situations right , but the first impression is the one that stays with someone, i hope things get corrected for the next generation who uses their hard earned dollars to create a ride that stands apart......... p.s. the trash talking in the ads has never been good for anything except a laugh and a turn to the next pagepisswasser

I promise you we do not have problems with our spindles. In the past, you obviously did. I will make it right to you on your next purchase if you give me a chance. Or suggest to me what will remedy this. Thank you,Joe Morrow

bgp1mpin   +1y
i ordered a set of spindles and a set of lower control arms for my 72 chevy pickup i found them cheaper from another vendor however it was going to take them a month to get them to me so i ordered them from AIM because you guaranteed me i'd have them in 2 weeks. so 2 weeks go by and i haven't got them so i call and the guy says that he never said i'd have them in 2 weeks he had said they'd be shipped in a couple weeks and i should have them any day. 2 more weeks go by and still no parts i call and guess what? he never said they would be shipped in 2 weeks its just usually about how long it takes and they should ship out by next friday. 3 weeks later still nothing i call and they are in the mail this time. 3 weeks later and they will be shipped any day another couple weeks and they got lost in the mail. anyway 3 and a half months later i get my parts and i get half a lower control arm because i need to put the shafts out of my 82 and up lower control arms into them to make them work. of course i have a 72 not an 82 and up so now i have to spend an extra 100 bucks to get some useable parts. and the spindles come with some instructions but they said nothing of having to switch the tie rods to 82 and up so i i damn near ruin the spindles and kill myself trying to make them work. how could you trust a company again when they do something like that? you cant unless you are stupid.