Originally posted by joemorrow
Originally posted by Low_SST
Originally posted by ReviewsForAIM
Review for the 83-03 S10 control arms is now up, check it out here:
if you got any questions email me at
No offense to you but what are you actually reviewing. Aesthetics of packaging and the part? There is nothing technical to your review. I could read on any companies website about the materials they make their arms from. What I don't get is typically the people who are officially reviewing products are experts in these products. I don't know that you have any experience in automotive suspensions to qualify you to say if a part is good, bad, or poorly designed. Could you comment on specific geometry of the arms? Or anything more technical then the powder looked good and what it was made from.
I feel that if you have no credentials then your review is worth a grain of salt. Now if I read a review on certain parts from someone like Aaron Iha, or any of the other suspension gods on this site then yes, I would take their review into consideration when purchasing a part.
BIG Joe...I have no problems submitting parts to be reviewed to the GODS of Suspension. Please spread the word along with their credentials.
Thank you for the posting,
You understand where im coming from right. How could some 19yo kid understand suspension geometry when he has never had to scratch build one. If he hasn't done this then how could he review your product, he has nothing to back up his claims. It would be like me reviewing the quality of a camera when all I know how to do is load the film in.