Originally posted by mreed
I read the write up from Mike Finnegan about your Dakota complete (front & rear) kit and I have a couple questions.
It states the arms let the truck lay frame on 20's. Do your arms help to provide a narrower track width?
Is that with stock spindles?
Here's a link to the article I saw.
The arms will allow the truck to lay the front engine crossmember on 28" tires using stock spindles. They do not narrow the track width of the truck. 20's, 22's and possibly 24's will fit as long as the tire is no more than 28" tall. Rim offset and backspacing is very critical so make sure you measure correctly before buying wheels.
Also, you would need Spring Pocket Eliminators to allow you to use the #2600 bags. #2500 will NOT lift the front end. For those that wonder why it takes so much psi, (front raises slow and rides rough) You need a larger diameter bag. #2500 =6.25 #2600 =7.25 #3800 =8.50 and will lift ANY front end at lower psi. #3800 will only work on fullsize frames