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AIM/Chassis Tech Discussion - Get Help

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cheeks Sunset SD   +1y
GraphicDisorder   +1y
Originally posted by cheeks Sunset SD

nothings changed, this is a thread a guy started after being "hooked" up by the new and improved Aim

I just read the whole thread, according to the owner he's being made whole on the fittings and such. Its shity that they are not better on top of shit like this going out the door, but they do look like they are handling it. In the past he would have got nothing from AIM. So while there are still issues dont you think there was some effort there to make it right?

Id say that emailing them may not have been the fastest way to get the issue handled.
Low_SST   +1y
I can see the need for some redesign on the plug and play unit.

Kudos to ryan for actually modeling that s10 frame in solidworks. I would love to have that file to play with at home.
joemorrow   +1y
Originally posted by GraphicDisorder

Originally posted by cheeks Sunset SD

nothings changed, this is a thread a guy started after being "hooked" up by the new and improved Aim

I just read the whole thread, according to the owner he's being made whole on the fittings and such. Its shity that they are not better on top of shit like this going out the door, but they do look like they are handling it. In the past he would have got nothing from AIM. So while there are still issues dont you think there was some effort there to make it right?

Id say that emailing them may not have been the fastest way to get the issue handled. We will take care of any real issues. This guy does not have real issues except that we sent him about 3 3/8" fittings instead of 1/2". He also paid 1/2 price and no additional charges for upgrading to 1/2" fittings. His problem is that he should have had a professional shop install it, because he does not know low voltage from high voltage, or how to fit a kit. it is not like stacking lego blocks and he should take it to someone that KNOWS WHAT THEY ARE DOING. Yes, we respond to emails and real issues from adults and young adults.

cheeks Sunset SD   +1y
why would he need a shop to do it? your ads states-
" with plug&play, you do not have to spend 16hrs or more wiring and plumbing a system. It takes zero time because we have done it all for you. Just plug in your airlines to the pre-assembled unit, and plug in your air gauge line and your finished. No need to pay a shop $2,000 or more to wire it up."

so if what you said is true he never would have had to replace the leader hose or the straight ptc fitting which should've been a 90. And what about the driver's side upper bag mount that's bent upward?
cheeks Sunset SD   +1y
I agree brandt they are paying him for the fittings so that is good. but i'm talking about quality more than anything.
joemorrow   +1y
Originally posted by cheeks Sunset SD

why would he need a shop to do it? your ads states- " with plug&play, you do not have to spend 16hrs or more wiring and plumbing a system. It takes zero time because we have done it all for you. Just plug in your airlines to the pre-assembled unit, and plug in your air gauge line and your finished. No need to pay a shop $2,000 or more to wire it up."

so if what you said is true he never would have had to replace the leader hose or the straight ptc fitting which should've been a 90. And what about the driver's side upper bag mount that's bent upward? He needed a shop to do the framework, and the exterior plumbing. Not to install the Plug and Play. I am here to assist, not moderate a disagreement. I am done with this subject and I remain here to assist members that have legitimate issues and questions. He also needed more than the supplied 60' of 1/2" airline because he mismeasured. 60' allows:20' to the RFront, 20' to the LFront, and the Plug and Play sets aprox 3' from the rears, so he should have had 13' left. A professional installer would have measured correctly.Lets move on to something productive.Thank you for your posting

Low_SST   +1y
External issues aside, how would you address the internal issues of the plug and play unit itself. Such as leaking fittings, paint in connectors, loose connections. In theory this unit should be self contained and never need to be disassembled. They way that guy had described the wiring inside made it seem like it was wired with some 21g wire. I can understand the mix-up in the connector on the side not being a right angle because its a universal piece. Mabey a plumbing schematic and wiring schematic may be some good info to post. If people can see what is actually inside of it it may give some confidence in the unit.
joemorrow   +1y
Originally posted by Low_SST

External issues aside, how would you address the internal issues of the plug and play unit itself. Such as leaking fittings, paint in connectors, loose connections. In theory this unit should be self contained and never need to be disassembled. They way that guy had described the wiring inside made it seem like it was wired with some 21g wire. I can understand the mix-up in the connector on the side not being a right angle because its a universal piece. Mabey a plumbing schematic and wiring schematic may be some good info to post. If people can see what is actually inside of it it may give some confidence in the unit. This is a constructive posting. give me 20 minutes to get you a picture of the wiring as it is assembled. Also, Colby does not know what he is talking about because it DOES use 22 gauge, but the draw is ONLY 400mA, which is less than 1/2 an amp. The 3-position valves draw much less to trigger than a standard brass valve.

On the straight fitting: We made the mount for the plug and play to allow a straight fitting with proper frame clearance. Colby decided to remove the fitting and replace it with and elbow, which was fine, but because he was NOT a professional installer, he twisted the steelbraided hose up inside of the box INSTEAD of holding it firm. Naturally we get blamed for his failure to recognize that you cannot "wind" the tubing as you replace a fitting. Arguably, a 90 degree fitting could have been used with the same result as a straight fitting.

Colby is NOT a professional installer and did not have the expected tools and fittings to accomodate any change in the way he chose to route the lines.

PICTURES TO FOLLOW shortly of the insides, along with your answer on the suggested schematic/s.

Thank you for the opportunity to explain what ACTUALLY happened.

Pictures of the internals will follow within aprox 20

joemorrow   +1y
Test to see if I did this right. This is the 3/8" PnP and you can see how simple the wiring is. A 1/2" PnP wiring image will follow in a few minutes. Note that you can see the straight connector coming out of the box. That is the connector he removed without holding the braided line to keep it from twisting inside the box.