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Truckin' magazine

Full Size Truckin General General Discussions
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renny   +1y
---------------------------------------------Originally posted by 4uh8rsDan, Maybe I over looked it but I didnt see a response to my post?I saw responses to everyone else but not mine?Just would like some insight on that whole deal.sorry if I sound like I am whining  ---------------------------------------------when they featured matt spence escalade the first time along with that navigator on the cover.i wrote to Truckin asking the same question as you. i asked why would Truckin debut 2 suvs on the cover that even stevie wonder could see was bought with dope money.they ran my questions a couple months later in their readers rap section.(wish i could find the issue) anyway ex editor steve warner responded by saying Truckin does not discriminate on how a guy gets the money to build a i totally understand where your coming from on this dude.but i dont think Dan will let Dboys trucks in the mag kinda takes the fun outta the scene when we bust our ass at work,and sacrifice some things in life.then some idiot with a pocket full  of dirty money can just go to the extremes with mods on their vehicle.on a side note................when i look a trucks at a show i can kinda tell what was built by the owner,who payed to have something built,who maxed out all their moms credit cards to have something built,and who built their truck with dope money and they know nothing about the scene.hope you can chime in on this Dan.
1redchvy   +1y

Keep up the good work Dan!  Good seeing you last weekend! 
cheese   +1y

---------------------------------------------Originally posted by thacru78I don't mind the chicks...specially Jenny she's gorgeous. I think it's odd that people frown on chicks on the cover of magazines with Bikin's on....I mean do you not go to the beach so your 5 year old doesn't see a girl in a bikini. Hell I can get more of a peep show by going to the mall on Friday night. Other than Tailgate and occasionally Lowrider mag...I don't think the truck related magazines go to far with the girls. I occasionally look at the little articles about the girls....I think alot of it's funny...Like last month's...Chick was asked if she was single or taken....She answer's...I'm single but i'm spoken for....Bitch then your dumbass ain't single. LOL Like i said if your worried about girls on the cover...then make sure you don't take your kids to the mall on friday night, the beach/lake, or watch 90% of the sitcoms on television. I've seen worse on the ABC. Dan and Mike...I met yall at Tex Mex and I met Kevin Aguilera at Gator Drag...yall all are some cool as dudes in my book...Truckin has never been my favorite mag but i've been a subscribor for the last 3 years and I can't complain much. I can't wait for Aftermath Mike's Blue 06 to hit the pages...i did alot of work on that truck so its gonna be badass seeing some of my work in a mag. I'm liken the changes and I look forward to one day maybe making it on a page or 2. My only suggestion would be given the Under Construction crowd a feature every once and a while. That is one of my favorite parts of the other mags....being able to see a truck in UC...then to see it featured in the same mag later down the road. Kinda of something alot of people can relate too...since most people trucks are in UC at some time. Keep up the good work Dan...see you around man. ---------------------------------------------X2  Jenny P!!!truckin' has turned around and is still a great mag. good job!!
4uh8rs   +1y
---------------------------------------------Originally posted by renny---------------------------------------------Originally posted by 4uh8rsDan, Maybe I over looked it but I didnt see a response to my post?I saw responses to everyone else but not mine?Just would like some insight on that whole deal.sorry if I sound like I am whining  ---------------------------------------------when they featured matt spence escalade the first time along with that navigator on the cover.i wrote to Truckin asking the same question as you. i asked why would Truckin debut 2 suvs on the cover that even stevie wonder could see was bought with dope money.they ran my questions a couple months later in their readers rap section.(wish i could find the issue) anyway ex editor steve warner responded by saying Truckin does not discriminate on how a guy gets the money to build a i totally understand where your coming from on this dude.but i dont think Dan will let Dboys trucks in the mag kinda takes the fun outta the scene when we bust our ass at work,and sacrifice some things in life.then some idiot with a pocket full  of dirty money can just go to the extremes with mods on their vehicle.on a side note................when i look a trucks at a show i can kinda tell what was built by the owner,who payed to have something built,who maxed out all their moms credit cards to have something built,and who built their truck with dope money and they know nothing about the scene.hope you can chime in on this Dan.---------------------------------------------thanks for the back up renny.all my vehicles r out of my pocket with tons of help from sponsors and friends.i feel you on being ble to tell how one was built.i just dont understand why suvs r only covered in streettrucks and not by source interlink.i have had the talk with Mike A put it doesnt seem fair to the guys who love suvs
thacru78   +1y

So now the magazine editors are supposed to determine how the vehicle was built...if it was built with "Dope" money or not. The little I know about Matt guess his isn't built with "Dope" money. Maybe he does have a significant trust fund...that's not his fault. 100% of the people on this site wouldn't turn down a trust fund...I can gaurantee you that. If your were in Matt's situation you wouldn't do anything different. The first time around his excalade was fucking clean...can't no one argue with that. The second's clean...just a lil different style than what most minitruckers are into. But still worthy of the cover of a mag. Bill's Hummer was on the cover...That wasnt built with "Dope" money...maybe his customers pay in "Dope" money...once again...Flip the script and 100% of the people on this site woulnd't turn down 25g's to build a truck for matter where the money is coming from. I can make the same argument about some people with sponsors. I didn't get free wheels thrown at suspension interior...Hell I gotta beg for a damn sticker to put on my window. Anybody can build a truck a year when sponsors pad their pockets with free shit. Then they get to turn around...sell the vehicle and prolly make money off the deal. But do I blame them....hell no. If I could get free shit Id take it too...I've tried to get a few sponsors...I don't even get email replies. My shit would of been done if I could get someone to sponsor me on something. I don't think it should matter how the vehicles was built...if it's it.

HotRodDime   +1y
---------------------------------------------Originally posted by 4uh8rs---------------------------------------------Originally posted by renny---------------------------------------------Originally posted by 4uh8rsDan, Maybe I over looked it but I didnt see a response to my post?I saw responses to everyone else but not mine?Just would like some insight on that whole deal.sorry if I sound like I am whining  ---------------------------------------------when they featured matt spence escalade the first time along with that navigator on the cover.i wrote to Truckin asking the same question as you. i asked why would Truckin debut 2 suvs on the cover that even stevie wonder could see was bought with dope money.they ran my questions a couple months later in their readers rap section.(wish i could find the issue) anyway ex editor steve warner responded by saying Truckin does not discriminate on how a guy gets the money to build a i totally understand where your coming from on this dude.but i dont think Dan will let Dboys trucks in the mag kinda takes the fun outta the scene when we bust our ass at work,and sacrifice some things in life.then some idiot with a pocket full  of dirty money can just go to the extremes with mods on their vehicle.on a side note................when i look a trucks at a show i can kinda tell what was built by the owner,who payed to have something built,who maxed out all their moms credit cards to have something built,and who built their truck with dope money and they know nothing about the scene.hope you can chime in on this Dan.---------------------------------------------thanks for the back up renny.all my vehicles r out of my pocket with tons of help from sponsors and friends.i feel you on being ble to tell how one was built.i just dont understand why suvs r only covered in streettrucks and not by source interlink.i have had the talk with Mike A put it doesnt seem fair to the guys who love suvs---------------------------------------------Jeff, check out OUR NEXT COVER and we all feature plenty of the sick SUVs out there, and EVEN KIAs   
DanWardTruckinEditor   +1y
Hey fellas-Thanks for the positive support, we all really appreciate it. Sorry for the delay, I've been out shakin' and bakin'.  Here goes:First answer-> if a truck is sick, it is sick. I don't discriminate and I don't care how it was built. Not my business. Is that fair, no, but I can't investigate a truck to find out where it came from.  I have a job to show America and the rest of the world the baddest trucks and SUVs on the planet each and every month. I admit, some truck owners lie about "oh I just finished this truck or I did all the work myself, or I worked nights and weekends for 4 years to pay for it or the best has never been shot", but even then, I have to take people at their word. I do the best I can with what I'm given. Second-> We ran that Escalade twice because it is insane and completely re-done top to bottom. Full frame, 26s, new interior, new Caddy clip, audio, etc.  Third-> Unfortunately, SUVs don't sell very well and whereas I would put another one on the cover (ie: Bill's ridiculous Hummer), it would have to be top-notch. Fourth-> After seeing the outcry of a couple of people, looks like I may add an Under Construction section to the mag. Again, I want to provide truck people with the most complete truck mag out there. The reason why we haven't done that in the past is, Truckin' has always been the top of the food chain. Finished trucks that are top quality is usually what we go for, however, I am open to suggestions if we get a big enough response. For everyone who took the time to post, thanks-DAN
baggednblue   +1y
Thanks for the replies mag editors.  It was just a general question.  I was just curious.  Not trying to bash any mag or anything.  I read them all and mike put me in MT with made my dream come true.  Just thought that the past 3 months has had some type of pic of a girl and don't remember seeing that much of it but was wondering if it actually made a difference in mag sells.  Good luck with the mag Dan.  Truckin is difianatly the top truck mag out there!
CHUNK91   +1y

I just got a notice to renew my subscription, and they are offering 3yrs. to me (and anyone else w/ an renewal) for only $49.97,thats a real damn good price for 3yrs.! Thought I would share this with everyone... 
Kronicles   +1y
Originally posted by HotRodDimeJeff, check out OUR NEXT COVER and we all feature plenty of the sick SUVs out there, and EVEN KIAs   --------------------------------------------- The first car I built was a 2000 KIA Sephia, it even got me some trophy's. That thing was pimp status, I put 18's on it, did up the interior with some paint in all the right spots, blacked out the tint on it, and had a sick plexiglass box. She was my first build I was mad proud of her. Sucks some ass put her trunk in her backseat, oh well, SHIT HAPPENS!
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