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Truckin' magazine

Full Size Truckin General General Discussions
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low mazda   +1y

I will admit, I wasn't going to chime in on this, but I will.  I have been in this for the better part of 15 years, and started out buying Truckin'. Since then i have seen every magazine and glad some are gone, but IMO opinion the best out there for anyone who don't drive a mini is StreetTrucks. I did however like the newest issue of Truckin'. I don't even have a mini, just build them, and I still have my subscription to minitruckin. And that's the only one I subscribe to. I buy StreetTrucks every month, and I am probably going to start buying Truckin' again.  Congrats and keep up the great work.
robles228   +1y

Its all good apologize accepted. I know where you are coming from regarding SUV's I have a two door tahoe I have been working on and no it won't be at the caliber of Matts Escalade or my friend Julios Gator but i know where Dan is coming from regarding SUV's on covers. Its like any business you work for or own you are going to put the best product out that will generate the most  money for your business or the company you work for.
nautiquess   +1y

I have seen so many changes in Truckin lately,  For a while I rarely bought it, mostly flip through the pages at the grocery store.  Now I flip through it a billion times before it leaves my night stand and on to the Magazine file room.... AKA the bathroom..  where it still gets read and then off to the milk crates.    For awhile I stopped because I had seen enough lambo doored trucks not tucking wheels.  It seems that has faded out "Finally"  and the new generation of editors have stepped up to make Truckin that quality mag that it was.   I love tech articles,  maybe a underconstruction ride a month kinda like Sport Truck used to do wth their "Busted Knuckles"  I am confident that it will only continue to get better.   My very first feature was in Truckin' and have had several since then in Truckin and various mags.  I have plenty of builds in progress and hope that they too make it to truckin for the shoot.   BTW/... small confession... I have a truckin Banner I had stolen from Truckin at the Havasu show like 4 years ago hanging in my shop... I think the statue of limitations on a misdimeaner is up by now.   Thank you,  Chad AndersonMetal Asylum Kustom Finishes, LLC480.213.9618
NorthwestS   +1y

I too have noticed the changes in Truckin and am happy to see where it's going.  I can definitely appreciate the hard work that goes into these mags.  I have bought and still do buy all different mags and that is what has shaped my visions over the years.  I have built many different trucks for different people.  We are all one here whether it's a bodydropped truck(which I drive, and will have done by our show), a lifted monster machine, classic truck or even stock truck.  We can take elements from all and learn and progress.  If we limit are input we have limited output-get it.  I am preferential to big wheeled bodydropped minis in particular but can appreciate the hard work that goes into all.  I will continue to read Truckin as well as all the others and hope the mag keeps progressing.  By the way Dan we have a show Relaxin at the Rock coming up Aug 8th at Rooster Rock State Park,OR hosted by us Relaxed Atmosphere Oegon.  
chris03hd   +1y
I say keep the Import Cover Trucks coming!!   Dan is doing a damn fine job with the magazine IMO! (even though I miss the BOATS!) I'd like to thank Harley for writing his "In the Chamber" column two years ago, that asked readers to tell about their ongoing, never ending builds we are all working on.  He offered me some good advice, and gave me the hope and drive to see this thing get finished! A year and a bit later, Dan hooked me up with an AMAZING photographer (, and using my friends impound yard as a backdrop, he pulled off some of the sickest shots I've seen in a truck magazine! As for that darn Matt Spence, if he didnt rebuild such a sick truck again, maybe my little hooptie would have seen the cover that issue! haha!  Keep up the good work fella's!
bagged_02   +1y

i love truckin its one of the best mags out there i own a fullsize so it helps me alot. i recently got a subscription for all 4 of those mags i used to just pick em up
bagged_02   +1y
---------------------------------------------Originally posted by TwistedKreation---------------------------------------------Originally posted by baggednblueSince we are on the topic of mags and new content.  I was wondering the other day reading MT that there is an increase in woman on the cover and in the mags.  Why is that?  Does it help numbers?  Is it really necessary?  Is that actually going to make someone buy the mag because there is some nasty skank on the cover.  And if there is why don't people just buy a porno mag.  Its sad that when you go to a show and the bikini contest winner gets 1500 and best of show gets a 2 dollar piece of metal.  Just sucks when my girls kids wants to look at the mag and my gf wont let them because of the content.  Sorry to hijack the thread and was just wondering what other peoples voice was on this?  ---------------------------------------------I agree on this. I'm a married man and it really pisses me off that the past few issues of MT has skanks on the cover and what's worst is they waste two or three of the few pages they can have on the mag and waste them by interviewing these dumb bitches. I could give a flying fuck less what they like to do everyday and how they want bentlys and they like to shop for clothes.---------------------------------------------if you could give "a flying fuck less" what they do then why did you read what they had to say. why didnt you just skip it. stop bitching i mean honestly how many girls are actually in the mag besides the tiny ass thumbnails you see in show coverage. what about 3 in the last 7-8 months. oh no and if your kids arent allowed to read this mag because of that might home school them and build a bubble cause they shouldnt be allowed out the front door. and how can you call any of those women skanks, do you know them? have they wronged you in some way? lol get over yourself. id love to see any of you guys try to run any of these mags and see how far you make it. im willing to throw down some money that the first one doesnt even hit the stands. hell i personally think that they add somethin to the mag, my girl bought the mag for me just so she could see the chicks. so what im sayin is stop your bitchin skip the chicks and just read the damn mag. Mike and Dan you guys are doing awesome in both your mags just keep up the good work.
dante81_98   +1y
I have always and always will have a subscription to Truckin'. It is a great magazine, even when it had the boats. I enjoy having the one magazine be a combination of the various other genres. I like seeing the lifted truck, lowered trucks, classic trucks and the toys that go with them. Whether that be a bad ass car hauler, boat, motorcycle or jet skies, I really don't care.I will say that the last 6 months or so I have been very impressed with the features and new format of the magazine. It just keeps getting better. It is also the magazine that everyone aspires to be in. Myself include. I am waiting patiently to see it in the pages as we speak. That would be like icing on the cake for me. My .02 cents. Keep up the great work guys.Later,Chad