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Mini Truckin General \  Sport Truck Mag no more :(

Sport Truck Mag no more :(

Mini Truckin General General Discussions
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GraphicDisorder   +1y

Dont forget its not just the magazines that need the support.  SSM needs your  support.  If people choose not to  support SSM or the mags they could all be gone just as fast as Sport Truck.
thenephilm   +1y

---------------------------------------------Originally posted by BOOOGHARIF and I mean IF Truckin comes thru with what they are saying about getting more into the performance side of the truck industry ( and I dont me going down to the muffler shop and having the latest and greatest 40 series flowmaster welded in) I might consider purchasing the magazine again, and if you need a hint pick up HOT ROD mag from a couple months ago and see what the guys did with a clapped out 73-87 C10 truck - thats the kinda articles I wanna see.  Give David Freiburger a call over at HOT ROD - that guy has saved more magazines than I care to count, he editorials are the best Ive ever read, he's bare bones, grit under the fingernails, no holds bared editor that every magazine needs - oh man if frei was on the staff of TRUCKIN - I would be buying the mags right off the news stand without even cracking them open cause I know I will find every feature and article in the mag a enjoyment to read---------------------------------------------wow you read the articles...crazy
cruisinlowS10   +1y

---------------------------------------------Originally posted by had to do with the truck world not buying magazines......$6 is not going to break the bank........

  So wait....we the custom truck enthusiasts are to blame?  Am I the only one offended by this statement?  I'm not trying to be an ass...Im just shooting straight from the hip here. Im not taking any blame for a failed magazine.  The realty of the matter is the mags are polluted with advertisements.  Truckin used to be the worst. I have not picked up a Truckin' for a long time now.  Mainly because of the ridiculous amounts of ads and the fact that you guys were featuring as many BOATS as you were trucks. This was about the time i quit subscribing to truckin.  Yeah the custom truck enthusiast is killing your mags.  How many threads have been made with people fussing about the amount of ads in the mags. I realize the ads have to be there to pay the bills. However the rest of the content of the magazines lately have not outweighed the ads. This includes minitruckin sport truck, and truckin.   I mean seriously I have gone to shows with 100's upon 100's of trucks there and then when the coverage comes out in the mag its like a page and a half.  Times are tight for everyone and Im sure that has hurt the magazines.  However you cant blame the people for not buying.  If they arent buying there is a reason, be it financial or just being plain dissatisfied with the magazine itself.   I
mmh2006   +1y
---------------------------------------------Originally posted by cruisinlowS10---------------------------------------------Originally posted by had to do with the truck world not buying magazines......$6 is not going to break the bank........

  So wait....we the custom truck enthusiasts are to blame?  Am I the only one offended by this statement?  I'm not trying to be an ass...Im just shooting straight from the hip here. Im not taking any blame for a failed magazine.  The realty of the matter is the mags are polluted with advertisements.  Truckin used to be the worst. I have not picked up a Truckin' for a long time now.  Mainly because of the ridiculous amounts of ads and the fact that you guys were featuring as many BOATS as you were trucks. This was about the time i quit subscribing to truckin.  Yeah the custom truck enthusiast is killing your mags.  How many threads have been made with people fussing about the amount of ads in the mags. I realize the ads have to be there to pay the bills. However the rest of the content of the magazines lately have not outweighed the ads. This includes minitruckin sport truck, and truckin.   I mean seriously I have gone to shows with 100's upon 100's of trucks there and then when the coverage comes out in the mag its like a page and a half.  Times are tight for everyone and Im sure that has hurt the magazines.  However you cant blame the people for not buying.  If they arent buying there is a reason, be it financial or just being plain dissatisfied with the magazine itself.   I---------------------------------------------  Ill agree with what you say for the fact that I would buy a truckin an minitruckin when id hit walmart but it got to the point that i would start seeing last months an the nexts months issues on the shelf an then it got 2 the point that i couldnt find either an thats when i finally got a sub 2 minitruckin just cause i got 3 years for 30 dollars are sumthing like that and truckin is just hard to find unless i make a trip to jonesboro to the big stores barns and knobles, hasting, an books a million to get them but by the time i do that i couldve just got a sub but i got to the point like to you said that it was getting more boats an trucks in my option i didnt like but they have changed in the last year are 2 an i started liking them again so if we are goin 2 get are sub for sport truck transfured to truckin i wont complain cause i was thinking bout getting another one anyway.           and it is a sad lost. i did look forward each month to sport truck coming in the mail. i liked most of there tech articals an they most always had sharp trucks in the      pages.  RIP tailgate and sprot truck. hopefully they will be the last.
thacru78   +1y
I used to subscribe to them all but have just been lazy lately and no renewed my subscription...however...I do still buy them at the store. With that being said...Sport Truck has been missing from Walmart for a while now...havent seen it in atleast 5 months...I can't buy it if it's not there...and im not gonna drive all over town to find it...Just tonight I got MT, Truckin, and Street Trucks....but Sport Truck was MIA. That mag should be in all Walmart's no matter what. I can see both sides of the spectrum on letting more than one person shoot your truck....(By the way Trent....yours is in Truckin right now)...Mine was shot last december for a Blood Sweat and Gears feature...I havent heard much since...Kevin Ag said that they have it and it might run...but that doesn't mean much really. Being someone who wants as much exposure for his truck as he can get...(really helps when it comes to finding sponsors)...I'll give the first guy a couple months to tell me what's up...but after 4+ months go by and it still hasnt ran...or isn't even in the plans to be ran...then im gonna go to the next guy. Loyalty goes both can't expect every truck owner to sit back and trust that his/her truck is gonna get ran...then years pass and it never does. Specially when there is little to no communication between the 2...that's just my honest opinion...I don't thinks its fair to promise a guy his truck will make it in a mag then expect him to wait years for it to come out. Whenever mine is finally done it will be shot by one mag and one mag only...whoever wants to put it on the cover first. 
profound   +1y
---------------------------------------------Originally posted by DanWardTruckinEditorEdited: 9/16/2009 9:44:27 AM by DanWardTruckinEditor If you love the truck scene and you want to keep it alive and well—do your part!Buy truck magazines.-Dan Ward, Editor Truckin'---------------------------------------------that part i made big still makes me laugh. it sux to see a mag leave the scene. but when one editor comes on here and tells us to do our part, yet he does not do his part and support this site. kinda a oxy moron there. IMO  DanWardTruckinEditor (Dan Ward) notice no gold emblem next to his name? he is not doing his part at all. but we are to blame.
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sport truck   +1y

Thanks for all the support guys. It really means a lot and hopefully things pan out and I'll get to keep writing and taking pictures somewhere. I'm happy to report that Dan has been kind enough to take the last stories we did for Sport Truck and incorporate them into Truckin' mag. I don't know when it'll happen, but when it does I think you'll enjoy what we were working on, especially that last road trip story to the Relaxed Atmosphere All-Star event. I had as much fun writing about it as I did taking that trip and meeting you guys along the way. As for what keeps a magazine in business, well that's not that complicated but it is a double-edged sword. A magazine has to have great content that draws a massive amount of readers. The number of readers is leveraged to draw advertising dollars from companies. Companies only spend money in magazines that result in increased sales from those readers.  At the end of the day, the money spent by readers on subscriptions and newsstand purchases doesn't amount to a whole lot. It's important, but it doesn't pay all of the bills. Ad dollars do and although a magazine needs to entertain and inform its audience, the guys paying the bills (advertisers) want the magazine to sell more of their products, which is why you see so many ads and tech articles. That's the sword I mentioned. You cannot have a cool magazine without advertising in it.  The Internet is not killing print media. There are very few succesful business models in place for running a successful website. Amazing content and a great community makes a great website like this one but it's still not a gurantee that companies will spend money to keep the site going. Saturation in the marketplace is killing print media and I'm not just talking about having too many truck-related titles covering simliar subject matter. All automotive magazines are fighting for ever-shrinking and valuable space on the magazine rack that's being taken up by titles that sell to a much broader audience. There's a whole lot more women that want to live vicariously through Angelina Jolie than there are guys that want to learn to body-drop an S10, so stores are more likely to stock a Us Weekly than a magazine about throwin sparks on the highway. It sucks for all of us but that's the way it is.    Well, enough rambling. Thanks and have a good night.  
JohnMataJr   +1y
Sport Truck will be missed, no doubt about that and I am glad that we at Truckin' will be able to document Mike and Calin's trip to the RA Show...did you see their series of blogs they posted while they were on the road? Insightful, witty, and genuinely worthy reading material...unlike most stuff on the Internet. If you missed them, check out the community section of I can only imagine what they had prepared as far as the content that was  going to print!  Now, I don't frequent this site or many other truck related forums because I got really sick of wading through half hatched comments and unnecessary flaming, which I am already seeing in this single thread alone. Let's just focus on the subject at hand by wishing Mike, Calin, and Andy the best in their future endeavors. If you need anything, you know where to find us!!   
SPOT   +1y

RIP Sport will be missed. Good luck to all the guys and girls who are out of work.
loudciv   +1y
Edited: 9/17/2009 4:29:28 AM by loudciv

--------------------------------------------Originally posted by cruisinlowS10So wait....we the custom truck enthusiasts are to blame?  Am I the only one offended by this statement?  I'm not trying to be an ass...Im just shooting straight from the hip here. Im not taking any blame for a failed magazine.  The realty of the matter is the mags are polluted with advertisements.  Truckin used to be the worst. I have not picked up a Truckin' for a long time now.  Mainly because of the ridiculous amounts of ads and the fact that you guys were featuring as many BOATS as you were trucks. This was about the time i quit subscribing to truckin.  Yeah the custom truck enthusiast is killing your mags.  How many threads have been made with people fussing about the amount of ads in the mags. I realize the ads have to be there to pay the bills. However the rest of the content of the magazines lately have not outweighed the ads. This includes minitruckin sport truck, and truckin.   I mean seriously I have gone to shows with 100's upon 100's of trucks there and then when the coverage comes out in the mag its like a page and a half.  Times are tight for everyone and Im sure that has hurt the magazines.  However you cant blame the people for not buying.  If they arent buying there is a reason, be it financial or just being plain dissatisfied with the magazine itself.---------------------------------------------exactly. make me WANT TO BUY YOUR MAGAZINE. i honestly dont buy mags anymore, because 50% is advertising & all the trucks are basically the same, chevys on 22s blah blah... how about some friggin variety? oh wait i forgot people would rather see another s10 than put a tastefully done midsize sedan in a mag  here's another idea, regarding how long it takes to run a feature. how about you only feature top to bottom worthy vehicles, not just the pretty looking ones. i cant tell you how many cover/feature trucks i've looked at that are buckets of shit up close. if there is shit thats "wrong", dont shoot around that stuff, dont shoot it at all. reward the people that put in the extra effort, it might cut down on the number of vehicles to sift through on your desk each month. it might make for a better quality mag in the process.  
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