I'm not on a soapbox fellas, I'm simply telling it how I see it.We ALL have to stick together and make sure we ALL do our part. Here are replys to a few recent posts: Checkit out, I have bronze next to my name now(I have too many T-shirts already), so that argument doesn't holdwater. I am an enthusiast and I will support the scene the best I can.For those of you making comments about boats, I'm confused, have youread the mag in the last 2-3 years? Not reading arecent magazine and saying it is today like it was 4 years ago is likebreaking up with a chick and and saying you're not going to date girlsanymore. I listened to what you wanted to see, and I got rid of boats almost 2 years ago. Give us a chance, pick it up and check it out. We have new editor's with new visions and new ideas.One Bad Rado wrote: TO LAST TRUCKIN MAG, WAS THE BEST IVE SEEN IN A WHILE... GREATFEATURES, ALOT OF FEATURES AND REALLY A MAG THATS HEADED THE RIGHTWAY... Yet, people are still on here complaining about boats?Dowe run a lot of Chevy's on 22s, yes. Why? Go to a show and look howmany Chevy's on 22s there are. We try to mix it up, but if guys aren'tbuilding (finishing) Ford, Dodge, Toyota, Nissan trucks, we can't runthem.As far as shows, we have the best show coverage inthe industry at our website and it's uploaded just a few days after anevent (and it's free).We are not going to give 10 pagesto a show when we could make someone's dream come true by featuringtheir pride and joy in those pages. Inregards to staff Editors shooting your trucks in the South. I was atSoutheast Showdown in Atlanta, we were at RA in TN, we are going to beat Slamfest in Tampa, we were at Slamily Reunion in Arkansas, we wereat Scrapin' the Coast in Biloxi. We were there. Where were you? Tocomment about the content, yes, we are going to mix it up. There willbe on-going projects in the next year showcasing many different buildstyles, new parts, and cool new ideas. Please be open-minded that noteveryone is on your technical level or has the ability(know-how) to cutup their truck. That's why you see a variety of tech, ranging frombolt-ons to body-mods to audio. Everyone has a specialty, but we try tocater to a large group of interest. I knowthe buyer's guide and product showcases aren't for everyone, butwithout them, how do you know what cool new parts are available foryour ride. I love seeing the cool new stuff companies are coming outwith. Hopefully you can appreciate our responsibility to the masses toshow them hot new parts. Lastly, like Chadmentioned, if you have ideas for improving the magazine, and I don'tmean from a guy with a four-door car commenting on a truck post, I'llbe happy to hear it, and if you don't want everyone to see youropinion, send me a PM.