I am moving this whole thread to the Main forum, so more people will get involved because there are more people with issues with this and Mike should be addressing them all.
I want to be clear my stance since im sure somehow allowing him a thread to chat this subject up will be called favortism or some other drama:
1. Mike clearly got to big to fast.
2. Mike could have left the game forever with all the peoples money, so like it or not him "trying" to make it right is a good thing.
3. Mike is taking way to long to make it right, Mike wont agree with me on that, but its the truth.
4. Some "customers" are not even really customers of Mikes and are either making shit up, or repeating a story thats gone through 20 people already and been embelished. Its pointless to bother listening to that crap.
5. Not all of Mikes customers are lying, and Mikes not always lying either.
6. UPS doesn't misplace, not ship, not pick up, not care about as many boxes as Mike has claimed they have. UPS is actually really good at what they do, I use them every single day.