So I recently purchased a former minitruckin feature truck. I have been into minitrucks since I was 16 (now 35) but haven't had a truck in about 10yrs. I bought this truck out of IL and have been busy trying to get the bags and things back up to acceptable standards. The truck has an engine compressor and everything works but once I got it home I found a torn front bag and figured out the front setup was done improperly. So I have been focused on trying to get it back to safe. Here are a few pics and links..
Truck in better times.. minitruckin feature..
Bringing it home... graphics were not my decision I prefer clean and simple two tone..
Rebuilt the link setup in the rear new bushings, replaced 1 endlink.. ground off some ridiculous mounts.. straightened some brackets and moved a bracket to straighten the rearend because it was a 1/4" out of square!
This is where the front started..
This is where I ended up after about 14~20 hrs of cutting and grinding then rewelding..
So thats the driver side now I need to paint everything the reassemble everything and start all over again on the other side. There is a car show here in KY in Oct I hope to be able to at least drive it to the show..
I hope to update this thread regularly but progress is slow with a job, family etc.. everyone knows the drill.. I mean it has taken me about 5 days to do what I would have done in one night when I was 20 HA..