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Ford Trucks \  99+ ford camber,,,,spindles?

99+ ford camber,,,,spindles?

Ford Trucks Make Specific
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following 19
couldbelower   +1y
are there any other spindles that can be used on the newer rangers to bring the control arms closer togeather....i have heard of using toyota control arms but not to sure about that and i have also heard of cutting the top of the spindle and redrilling for the ball joint...if possible that would help a lot on the camber issue and make it easier to lay out on 20s...?
DawgsledMazda   +1y
I can make shorter control arms. plus I can make the uppers adjustable on the arm itself. eliminates the negative camber issue.
JFcustoms   +1y
i dont want to be a dick to you mr.byc but throw up some fuckin pics of these arms man, market your product please, i really want to see them before i buy them...if i fix the negative camber layed out what about camber when its lifted up and what about tie rod angle, do you have a fix for a picture of the arms installed from behind the wheel at layed out and lifted....i see how you type about how it fixes all that but where the hell are the damn pictures of them at..if you wanna sell them you should advertise them, man
DawgsledMazda   +1y
Ive been on the web guy about putting them on the site, so as soon as he gets that done ill have pics up. I dont know how to put them on here unless they are on my site.
couldbelower   +1y
no offense but i dont think ur arms can correct the camber issue i am having....i am mechanical engineering senior about to get my degree and that type of stuff is all i study.....i have figured out many ideas and everytime i post anything all u say is my arms do this and that wont work.....a smaller spindle would bring the control arms closer togeater and help allow for the uppers and lowers to travel on the same is the same idea as rasing the upper control arms wich i have mentioned and u put down...and i know that makes a hell of a would be nice and i might consider buyunbg ur product but my friend has been waiting over 2 months for some control arms.. i have even emailed u requsting some info and pics on these ranger control arms and u never respond....
JDugan4859   +1y
And from what I hear, the uppers he is making are no diffrant than the DJM uppers.
hotrodcarey   +1y
yeahmike just built control arms for my 00 ranger, they are awesome control arms, but i need longer upper control arms. with my 20's, they rub the firewall and wiring and break booster and clutch master cylinder. the camber is still there of course, but its real good at ride height. its beauitul at ride height. MIKE has pictures of the ranger control arms as of now, he sent them to my email as well as installed them on my truck. hes over whelmed with orders right now... so u have to bare with him.
DawgsledMazda   +1y
ok heres the skinny on it.
FIRST no offense taken but when you move just the upper arm mounts and not the lowers and dont change the length of the steering rack to match, you have a problem. that problem is the toe in will change from layed out to raised up. if you dont mind wearing tires and the toe being wrong thru 75% of the travel, go ahead and do that.
you dont have to be an engineer to figure that out either. just read a few books on suspension.
SECOND, the entire problem with the design of the Ranger is the mounts are very low in relation to the body of the truck. plus the Ranger spindle is very tall and causes the upper arm to lay over when layed out. so no matter what you do to the suspension in the stock form it will not completely fix the camber problem. you can have it perfect at ride height but layed out it will come in some and theres not muh you can do about that except replace the entire suspension with one that mounts much higher on the frame.
just raising the frame wont fix this either due to the amount you would need to raiseit to make it perfect, then the very tall Ranger spindle will kill you.
THIRD, jon, what the F do you know about my arms? ill tell ya nothing, there not like GJM arms, I had a set of DJM arms on Brandons Ranger and used the stock ones for my jig instead of the DJMs. the only thing I even did with the DJMs was look at the angle.
a smaller spindle would bring the arms together and allow for the upper arm to move more up and down and not so much in and out and help with the amount of camber change.
but like I said before, the steering rack or drag link knuckles must fall in the line between the upper arm bushing and the lower arm bushing, if they do not the toe in changes during raising and lowering.
this will cause a truck to jump completely from one side of the road to the other.

if you email me ill email you back. but remember I have more than 100 emails every day and sometimes forget to reply or get back to people.

I have a book about suspension written by Boyd Coddington that shows suspension design, techinical info and rules of geometry that have to be followed.
you cant just go changing the upper arm mount to solve the camber issue because it creates a far bigger problem.
Im working on a way to run a Toyota spindle with a Ranger frame that may solve it as best as it can be solved with the frame in the stock location.
its just a matter of making the arms fit the ranger frame with balljoints for a Toyota. if all the angles and everything works out ill let someone test a set.
Brandon, your arms are the length they are because they cant be any longer or the wheels will hit the fender. the wheels need more offset and then the uppers could be longer. or the lowers could be shorter and help some.
hotrodcarey   +1y
yeah i would def. rather have camber then toe. i do recomend these control arms to anyone. the ride height on the arms are perfect, just a little rub, but the reason im rubbing is because of a little more work gone down, such as zing frame and relcating wiring prior. so if u are looking for control arms, call mike at BYC.