Originally posted by Russ-D
Originally posted by blazedbowtie82
Well, honestly I'm not ready to try Z'ing the frame yet. It seemed like a lot of work to me when I was thinking about it.
So, if I section the LCA mounts, do I have to raise the upper mounts, or will it be alright? Would it screw up my steering geometry to section it? I would only have to move it up about 3/4" now. If I can get my frame to lay flat, I'll only have to body drop 1 3/4" to lay rocker, and that would be great for head room.
I'm not against Z'd frames. But I don't want to try it this time. Maybe on the next truck.
I understand, it just seems like more work the way you are doing it.
Yes you should raise the upper mounts as well. I know people dont, but you should.
and its just at 2" for a bodydrop. You are right about the headroom, I had one bd 3 1/4 and holy crap you couldnt get your knee under the steering wheel you had to go over.
Thank you for your input Russ. I appreciate it. I'll probably be willing to 'Z' the next one. But at this point, I think I'm going to section the crossmember, since I've already somewhat started this route. For some reason, I just feel more comfortable doing it this way.
Tim, those are great pictures. Will be very helpful next time. I'll take pictures of the way I do mine, so that there are two documentations on film.