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Toyota Trucks \  Front Crossmember ?

Front Crossmember ?

Toyota Trucks Make Specific
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replies 90
following 20
sadisticiron   +1y
hopntoy when you redo the trans cross member you can tip the motor by raising the trans mount up so its even with the frame the section the front x-member. at the same time the it moves the throttle body housing down which inturns helps clear the hood
sadisticiron   +1y
unless ur runnin a v6 the oil pan is level with the frame its the trans center case section that hangs lower
TwistedMinis   +1y
The nut on the bottom of my tranny hung down below the frame. I had to move it up about a 1/2".
kindalow   +1y
I already raised the tranny mount cause the bell housing was sitting on the ground before I dropped the motor down as much as I wanted, which obviously would give me more clearance on the throttle body.

my oil pan was definitely lower than my main rails with stock motor mounts and a stock tranny crossmember.
bdroppeddak   +1y
Originally posted by sadisticiron

Originally posted by bdroppeddak

^^^ i dont think so, i put my 19 (with 215/35/19) infront of my 89 cab and set a fender on it, the cab still has the pinch on it and the fender sat on the tire, so layin rocker, that lip where the hood goes would have to be trimmed.

wow youre gonna start a hate group against you cuz you can fit 20's to the rockers. of course we all know about trimming the fenders and so forth thats a givin but you might want to do some research before you say that cant be done.

whoa whoa, i didnt say 20s on the rocker couldnt be done, my buddy mike had bought the first yota on 20s bodydropped, so i know it can be done, but what im sayin is you said the 19s wouldnt touch the hood layin rocker, but they will. ask kyle (xmdragonass i think) i mocked my truck up and where the fender bends down where the hood sits touched the tire, with the pinch still on the cab.
TwistedMinis   +1y
Okay, I'm with Johnny here. I just went out and took measurements. My bell housing is about 1/4" higher than the frame, after raising the rear of the tranny 1/2". But, my oil pan hangs just over an inch below the frame. Now thats fucked up. Guess I have to section it?
sadisticiron   +1y
the oil pan should be a 1/4 of an inch or so +/- a few thousanths of an inch above the frame. seth take a long piece of steal 2x2 or something square clamp it to your frame frame one side and take the other end and get it as close as you can to the pan then see how close it is. that piece of steel is going to acted as the ground. tell me what you get
sadisticiron   +1y
19's not touch cuz to the pinch my 20's dont. the pinch is only 3/4 of an inch. and i didnt touch my hood structure either.
TwistedMinis   +1y
Okay, I used some 1" tube to try it out. It smacked right into the lower edge of the pan.

I took pictures of the measurements. At the frame before it bends up:The measurement is about 19 3/4".

Now, the measurements at the pan.Just a cunt hair under 19".

Now the frame isn't completely level at this point. The rear portion of the rails is about 3/8" higher than the front. Thats as close as I could get with jackstands.
sadisticiron   +1y
is your truck an automatic if its not it has an automatic oil pan on its almost the same as a 4 wd pan